Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Introduction to Video Camera

This week we have been mainly doing video camera work and film short scenes.

1) Camera operation and functions
we used the settings on the camera like aperture which makes the picture brighter or darker and white balance to set the cameras settings to the lighting conditions we were shooting in so it could see all the colours clearly. we had to focus the camera in so after shooting the picture was sharp and we could zoom in in editing and the picture wouldn't be blurry.
Zoom enabled us to zoom in for things like extreme close ups with out shoving the camera in the actors faces.

2) Using the camera
  *we used a wide shot which is when The subject takes up the full frame, or at least as much as possible the same as a long shot
* we also used an extreme close up to create tension in our scenes, an extreme close up is when the camera is zoomed in and gets extreme detail of the subject.
*we used an over the shoulder shot, it shows two people having and conversation we did this both of the actors in our scene so we have more options when editing the shoot together. 
*further more we also used a close up of both of our actors a close up is when a certain feature or part of the subject takes up the whole frame.

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