Friday, 24 June 2011

Evaluation of pop promo prelim

1) We only used basic shots of the band, we used a variety of shots from close ups of the lead singer to wide shots of the entire band, I feel the most effective shots were the close ups of just the instruments and the close up of the lead singer with the backing vocals in the background as it related to the structure of the band. The problems we had in our section of the video was that the band had seven members this meant in order to get shots of each of the members we could only use basic shots due to the short amount of time we were given, we used the wide shots to cut each section together with a wide shot this made the transition between each groups section more smoothly.

2) My role in the production was that i did playback and making sure the music was ready for each take, I also operated the camera and chose some angles for some of the shots and i also took the role of the director for a while in our group we shared each of the production roles out, furthermore i also did some of the editing cutting and choosing which shots to use for our section.

3) My group worked well together we had the advantage of going last so we could make a proper plan of which shots we would do in order to try to use our short period of time effectively, we shared the roles in the production equally between the three of us making sure we each had a go.

4) Overall after watching the finished video with all the sections cut together I am pleased with how it turned, I am surprised with the smoothness between the transition between the four sections. How ever I if could do it again i would try and get more time to do our section so we could do more interesting shots.

5) In our editing process we tried to match the pace of the song with the pace of different shots being used, for example the end of the song we used three longer length compared

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