For our digipack we all came up with initial ideas for the pack and the main front cover design, these were deigned by hand and didn't include any images of the band.

When we moved onto designing the digipack once we had a final idea template drawn up we had some images of the band but they weren't at the desired quality level as the had been taken on a phone camera in order for our poster and digipack to look more professional we decided we had to use a good quality camera and a white background in order to get the crisp images we needed. We then went on too create the digipack design using Lightroom and Photoshop.
One of the main tools that were used in creating the front cover was lasso tool to cut the individual photos out and also the main over all effect was created by using light leeks and the blur tool.
This is the finished product for the Digipack design ^.
The photo shot was the first time I had seen the band members together, this was good as we could work out who was going to play what instrument and role in the band we originally had ideas but we made a change to the band we swapped the original singer to guitar and the guitarist to singer.
We took this photo like this in order to create a boy band star persona with the front man the singer at the front of the photo and the rest of the band behind him.
The text font we used on our digipack is very recognisable and effectively could be a logo for the band it is called bleeding cowboys, also the red text color is very bold and stands out well this will help us to build a brand image for our band. All though we mixed our band up we still kept the boy band stereotype adding to our bands brand and saleability.
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