New media technology was a significant process in our pre-production and planning of our music video
The Technology's I used in pre production were.
For research we heavily relied on the use of web 2.0 and website like Google and YouTube, We used Youtube to research bands of a similar genre in order to look at there videos and try to pick out the code and conventions they employed to create an understanding and build a star image with their audience, through the use of mise en scene, camera work and editing. e.g we used YouTube to research the Christina perri jar of hearts video to develop the dance element of our video
We also mainly used google images to research digipack designs of similar artists. to get design ideas being able to embed the url code and send the link of the video helped us to share ideas easily making being creative more easily.
Blogger has also been a technological part of our pre production due to the fact that I have posted all of my ideas, and the stages to the process of making our music video has enabled me to organise my work and access it from any work station. We have posted all of our research in an organised fashion on the program allowing us to use the page as a log ot on line folder almost of the process of creating the music video and package of the band.
Also to give the digipack a more profesional look we did a photo shoot with a high quality digital slr camera Nikon D500 camera this gave us lots of options so we could fine tune the camera and take the best photos we could for the front cover of the digipack and the poster.

The Technology's I used in pre production were.
For research we heavily relied on the use of web 2.0 and website like Google and YouTube, We used Youtube to research bands of a similar genre in order to look at there videos and try to pick out the code and conventions they employed to create an understanding and build a star image with their audience, through the use of mise en scene, camera work and editing. e.g we used YouTube to research the Christina perri jar of hearts video to develop the dance element of our video
We also mainly used google images to research digipack designs of similar artists. to get design ideas being able to embed the url code and send the link of the video helped us to share ideas easily making being creative more easily.
We also did a animatic of the different shots we wanted to use in our video we used a Sony NX5 camera to film this which films straight onto a memory card which mad it very easy to transfer to the macs for editing. We put the A1 size piece of card with our arranged storyboard on and put it onto the wall, we then put the camera onto a tripod and shot each individual shot for 10 seconds.
The use of the digital camera speeded up the editing process as the convergent technology makes the transfer of the footage from camera to computer far easier, also the quality was not effected when we transferd the footage over and the technology alowed when we had finished to finally upscale to HD quality. The editing of the animatic was done on final cut pro, this editing software allowed the rough cut of the shots of the music video in real time it helped errors to be seen before the final shoot day. the use of new media digital technologies helped slicken the pre production process and the vast resources it gave us at our finger tips helped us to be more creative. Blogger has also been a technological part of our pre production due to the fact that I have posted all of my ideas, and the stages to the process of making our music video has enabled me to organise my work and access it from any work station. We have posted all of our research in an organised fashion on the program allowing us to use the page as a log ot on line folder almost of the process of creating the music video and package of the band.
Also to give the digipack a more profesional look we did a photo shoot with a high quality digital slr camera Nikon D500 camera this gave us lots of options so we could fine tune the camera and take the best photos we could for the front cover of the digipack and the poster.

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